Family,  Mama

6 Nursing Mama Essentials

For a lot of us breast feeding is hard, rewarding and amazing, but really, really hard. For me it was the most challenging part of my first year as a new mom. It was exhausting – physically and emotionally. And by emotionally I mean I was an emotional WRECK. I cried about it, laughed about it, yelled at my husband about it, and on bad days I prayed my milk would just dry up and put me out of my misery. I vowed to make it to six months then every month after that I claimed it would be my last. But when we made it to the end I didn’t feel ready to give it up and when I finally did I felt guilty. I had all the feels as the kids would say.

I had absolutely no clue about nursing, I just knew I wanted to try it. Most of the women in my life didn’t nurse. Other people always made it seem easy. Books made it seem routine, instinctual. I read so much about how to deal with the issues I was having. I felt embarrassed that I couldn’t figure it out on my own and didn’t know how to bring it up with someone else.

I had an oversupply of milk, Im talking milk up to my collar bone kind of milk. We almost had to buy another freezer. I also had a premature baby who wanted to nurse but would practically drown in it. I had painful clogged ducts every other day. I was constantly adjusting my pump schedule to lessen the flow. I would wake up and give him a bottle, pump and then as soon as I closed my eyes it seemed like he was up again. IT WAS HARD! And I didn’t want to admit it.

But I started realizing that it wasn’t just me who struggled with nursing. Last year I was out with a friend of mine and our babies. Without thinking I said I honestly wasn’t sure if I would ever breastfeed again. She got choked up and almost cried. She said “Wow, thank you for saying that. I feel the exact same way I just didn’t want to say it out loud.” And that’s when I realized it.

Moms are silent warriors. We don’t complain about things. We don’t have the time to. We give our entire body over to these tiny humans and we worry insistently. We put them in their car seats 678,598x a day and we cry too when they scream all the way home. We clean up puke and sh.t constantly, happily even! We smile at them, we rock them, sing to them at 3am then again at 530am. We forget to eat. We completely change our diet because our little one has reflux. We eat oatmeal, so much oatmeal and we analyze the ounces. We curse one side because it doesn’t make enough! Do better! Make more! We don’t have time to shower or sleep. We work, we clean, we grocery shop, we cook, we do the laundry – all with these tiny humans by our side. FEARLESS.

Yet, we are afraid to speak about certain things and ask for help when we need it. The important stuff. Like that we are overwhelmed or sad. That we are thinking breastfeeding isn’t for us- which is TOTALLY fine. Maybe you just don’t know how much longer you can have your sweet precious angel baby latching on to your sore, swollen boobs every hour on the hour! It’s ok to feel like that. It’s ok to want to give up & it’s ok to pack it in and run out and buy formula. Your baby wants to eat – period. They don’t care how. You are not less than because you can’t or don’t want to nurse. End of story.

Fast forward 2 months and I eventually got the hang of things, I ended up loving nursing. It turned into a quiet peaceful time where I had my son all to myself. I have so many sweet nursing memories during that first year but it was an uphill battle for me. SO if you are a new nursing Mama and you are struggling you are not alone. No matter what you decide to do you are making the right decision.

Here are some simple, no nonsense products that actually helped me survive 12 months of nursing and I hope they help you too!

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  1. If you are planning on nursing there are 2 pumps that you have likely come across : The Medela and the Spectra 2. I used both and didn’t actually have a preference – they are both good and will both get you the goods. Do not agonize over this decision like I did. Don’t Forget to check with your insurance company as they will most likely cover your pump.



2. If you are struggling with clogged milk ducts this natural supplement really helped me combat them and the ingredients are clean, natural and of course won’t harm baby.

3. I had my husband run out to target and buy me nursing bras while I was in the hospital. In the end I hated them all and ended up wearing the same red cross front sports bra practically every day. I found these later on and wish I had them from the beginning!

4. This nightgown is the perfect thing to put in your hospital bag! Great for nursing and hanging at home in those first few months too!

5. Lanolin. 100% natural and safe for Mom and baby. I put this directly on my body and inside the flange (the funnel shaped piece that attaches to you) every time I pumped.

6. Hot and Cold Therapy packs. The cold will help with swelling & engorgement and the hot will help with clogged ducts!

And one more thing! These organic washable breast pads. Place them inside your bra to help with leaking and when your done toss them in the wash. They are soft, comfortable and convenient. They even have their own little carrying case!

This post was all about 6 Nursing Mom Essentials!